What time does the school day begin and end?
The school day begins at 8:45 a.m. and dismisses at 2:45 p.m.
What age must my child be in order to enroll?
Children must have reached their 5th birthday by August 31 in order to be admitted to Kindergarten.
Is Kindergarten held five days a week?
No. Kindergarten is held only three days a week. They are off on Tuesday and Thursday.
Do the students wear uniforms?
Yes, there is a school uniform. The girls’ uniform is a green plaid skirt (jumper) with a white blouse and vest. The boys’ uniform is black dress slacks with a green sweater over a white shirt and tie.
What is the student/teacher ratio?
The average student/teacher ratio is 3:1.
Is Mass part of the school schedule?
Yes, Mass is offered twice a week at St. Joseph’s. Students recite prayers in church daily. Parents may attend with their children.
Is religious instruction included in the curriculum?
Yes, religious instruction is part of the daily schedule.
Does your school have a hot lunch program?
No. St. Joseph’s does not have a hot lunch program. However, there are microwaves and toasters available to the students in the lunchroom.
Does St. Joseph’s have a bus service?
No, we do not provide bus transportation.
Parishioners, $1,000 annually per student. (Decreases with additional children.)
Non-parishioners, $2,000 annually per student. (Decreases with additional children.)
Payment Plans?
Yes, payment plans are available.
Parents must decide payment method before school begins.
- Pay in full
- Bi-annually
- Monthly
- Weekly