
Parish Organizations


Laymen who assist in maintaining order in the church during Holy Mass and the Liturgy.


Held on Sunday once a month (for High School students) or twice a month (for younger students) after the 9:30 a.m. Mass from September through April, a requirement for all children who do not attend St. Joseph’s Catholic School.

Parish Choir

for dedicated volunteers who can sing the chants and hymns for the Mass and other liturgical functions.

Knights of the Altar

for men and boys who treasure the unique opportunity to serve in the Sacred Liturgy.

Confraternity of CMRI

for men and women who wish to affiliate with the religious Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen as lay members, and strive for a Marian spirituality.

Confraternity of Christian Mothers

(Welcoming All Saint Joseph’s Catholic Women)

lay women who wish to develop a deeper spirituality, foster the role of Motherhood in the parish, and lead their families in practice of the Catholic Faith in the home.

Handmaids to the Queen

(Welcoming All Young Ladies of Saint Joseph’s Catholic Church)

Meeting the 3rd Sunday of the month after the 3rd Mass.

Contact: Karen Kain